Get RM 4 Cashback at JOBBIE Nut Butter using ShopeePay
This campaign is owned by ShopeePay. You can get RM 4 cashback with minimum spend of RM 10. The RM 4 cashback will be credited into your ShopeePay e-wallet.
Payment instructions
- Click on 'e-wallet' upon checkout using payment method "iPay88"
- Select 'ShopeePay' for a QR code to pop up
- Scan the code using ShopeePay app
- Verify payment with 6-digits pin
- All set!
ShopeePay's Terms & Conditions:
- The RM4 Cashback promotion is valid from 10 December 2020 - 1 March 2021 and is limited to the first 10,000 transactions.
- You must checkout with ShopeePay QR via the Shopee mobile app with a minimum spend of RM10 in order to get your RM4 Cashback. The promotion is valid for all Shopee users who have activated their ShopeePay e-wallet.
- The RM4 Cashback, min-spend RM10 is limited to 2 redemptions per user during the entire duration of the campaign.
- Once you have fully redeemed your 2 redemptions, you would be able to receive your RM3 Daily Cashback.The minimum spend required to be entitled for the cashback is RM15.
- The RM3 Daily Cashback campaign is valid from 1 October 2020 – 30 June 2021 and is limited to first 10,000 redemptions daily only.
- By participating in this Campaign, you agree to be bound by any rules & regulations issued by Shopee. Failure to comply with these terms and conditions will result in immediate disqualification.
- Shopee reserves the right to vary, delete or add to any of the terms and conditions of this campaign at any time at its absolute discretion without prior notice. In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms & Conditions and any brochure, marketing or campaign material, these Terms & Conditions shall prevail.
- Email us at support@shopee.com.my or call - 603-2777 9222 for further inquiries (Monday to Sunday - 9.00am to 6.00pm including Public Holidays). Kindly include your Shopee username for our reference to serve you more efficiently.
- Nothing in the above statements shall construe that Shopee is in any way liable to you on any of the campaign mechanics should you choose to participate.
- This Terms and Conditions, Shopee Policies and the Privacy Policy available on Shopee Malaysia Website shall govern the Campaign. By joining the Campaign, you confirmed that you have read, understood and agreed to this Terms & Conditions, Shopee Policies and the Privacy Policy.
- The decision of Shopee on all matters relating to the Campaign (including without limitation, the selection process, the result of Campaign and/or any resolutions made) is final and absolutely binding on the Users. Any letters, enquiries, appeal or protest will not be entertained. Users hereby agree that no action will be taken against Shopee or its affiliates and the Users shall not make any oral or written complaints to the public in any form whatsoever.
- Only Users with registered and verified Shopee accounts may join the Campaign. Shopee reserves the right to disqualify entries from User’s accounts that are marked fraudulent without prior notice.
- Shopee reserves the right to vary the terms of this Terms & Conditions without prior notice.
Get RM 4 Cashback using ShopeePay SHOP NOW